By Savitha Hira
With the spirit of ‘loving n giving’ atthe helm of Christmas & New Year, traditional montages of the birth ofChrist, the Three Kings, the Christmas Tree with its gifts, Ivy, Holly andBells, and other tableaus – small and big – fill our senses at various localesaround town. But one of the most decorative and dedicated store front displays spreadacross a length of approx. 25ft for 45 years now, is the one at Bandra west,Mumbai.
Party Time |
Over the last two decades, around thistime of year, I have been closely following one furniture store in Bandra,Mumbai – Damian. This large store is almost half a century old and has eversince followed the tradition of Christmas décor in the most impressive format. Walkpast the store on the first day of December, and you will see a skillfullyarticulated thematic that touches a chord of nostalgia in you as much as itinstills the joys of the season.
The Birth of Christ |
“As a little boy back then, I used tohelp my dad decorate the shop front,” remembers Frederick Pereira, owner ofDamian. “We had very humble beginnings. From Mango tree branches, Fevicol drums,rocks from bandstand, and cotton wool that would create simple decorations, we movedon to painting the shop front glass with pine trees etc.; then we startedputting in some art and craft work, and gradually began to experience the joysof working on themes and concepts,” he continues.
Festive Cheer |
With a different theme each year, thestore has delighted its viewers with fairy tale tableaus of the Three Pigs,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella with her Pumpkin Carriage and FairyGodmother; elaborate Christmas parables of Santa with his sledge and thereindeers; Santa on the Pole Express etc. This year, the thematic is ‘NurseryRhymes’ and showcases the three most popular ones – Jack n Jill, Baa Baa BlackSheep and Humpty-Dumpty. Of course Baby Jesus in His crib and the ChristmasRoom are regular features.
Santa Claus on the Reindeer-led Sledge |
Nursery Rhyme Thematic |
Cinderella |
Mr. Pereira explains the details that gointo conceptualizing and finalizing the scenario each year. He begins workingon the concept a few months in advance and pays great attention to every detailfrom selecting the theme with appropriate character references and costumes toscaled floor plans that help in mounting the entire scenario overnight. Theprops, art and craft are handled by a team of professionals, who are especiallybrought in every year. The theme then travels to Damian’s Goa store for thefollowing Christmas, while the Mumbai store gets its new theme.
The Birth of Christ |
So, what kinds of reactions has this effortgarnered? Mr. Pereira responds with a twinkle in his eye, “I have interactedwith people who tell me that they have felt rejuvenated after seeing thedisplay here and have changed their decision of not celebrating Christmas withan elaborate Christmas tree, Holly and the works.” And there have been scoresof others – some travelling to their hometown from abroad, who make it point tovisit Damian for Christmas; passersby, who kneel there for a few introspectivemoments of prayer; loads of children,who spread the word and the excitement… It’s a tradition that the public looksforward to. It’s contagious Christmas Cheer. It’s Damian.
The Crib |
Pole Express |
Truly such a heart warming tradition, hopefully will make it to Bandra this year & experience this lovely tradition for myself :)