Luxury Laminates

India Art n Design features luxury laminates by Royale Touche

Royalé Touché offers you a laminate finish that adds luxe to everyday surfaces…

Luxury Laminates from Royalé Touché are introduced as trend-setting innovations that deliver the promise of better finish, flexibility and design. High-pressure and compact, the 1.25 mm thick laminate series, is created with imported design papers made from highly stable and resistant pigments, which guarantee longevity. Product ranges have also been developed around special performance properties including chemical-resistance, fire, stain and wear resistance.

Conducive to both, vertical and horizontal applications, they are suited to both, indoor and outdoor areas, especially durable and maintenance-easy in high traffic areas. Available in 600 designs and 45 realistic textures, each design comes in three convenient sizes – 8ft x 4ft, 10ft x 4.25ft, 12ft x 6ft.

Info & Image: Courtesy
