Free-standing art

deiNERI stand'ART

Montreal-based company- deiNERI announce the introduction of stand’ART, a wall-less system of mounting and displaying visual art.

Combining art and design together, stand'ART comprises a modular unit made of high-quality steel, and exceptional works from up-and-coming and well-established artists. It is a practical solution to challenges of privacy, and demarcating spaces.

Home owners, corporate buyers from the hospitality industry, and design professionals can now seamlessly introduce paintings, photographs and other visual-art elements to enrich terraces, courtyards, glass-walled interiors and open spaces.

The flipside of course is that the bottom of the painting gets camouflaged, unless it is a bespoke work of art. In any case the bottom is sturdy and has a patent pending. The concept is designed by world leader in industrial design, ALTO Design Inc., led by Mario Gagnon.

The deiNERI stand'ART is available in three formats for order from

Info & Images: Courtesy v2com-newswire
